MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Fall 201


Mini LaMancha Sr. Doelings - born Jan 1st-Feb 29th 2016

Judge: James Oller

1st Place
Entry A

2nd Place
Entry B

I am placing this class of Mini Lamancha Senior doelings, A, B.

The doe kid we have in first place shows us an advantage in strength and levelness of topline, being more smoothly blended from the neck to the withers with a distinct strength of chine over the second place doe.  In terms of dairy character, the first place doeling has a more desired dairy wedge when viewed from the top and shows us more width in loin to rump.

The kid in second place should be commended today for her width of chest and tightness of elbow.

Entry A
3rd gen.

Entry B
1st gen.