MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Fall 201


Mini LaMancha Champion Lineup

As we look at this group of Mini LaMancha doe's, there is one doe that comes to the top for me today. 
She has very smoothly blended and well balanced body while standing on a sound set of correct feet and legs. 
She has the desired rump angle and width and is very level thurl to thurl. 
She shows us the angularity and openness we should see.  She has good width in her chest and deepens nicely into a very capacious rear barrel. 
Your Grand Champion Mini LaMancha doe will be the Junior Yearling.

The next doe in the line that best follows suit to our champion today, is a doe that is similar in type to the champion. 
This kid is also well balanced, with a beautiful blending topline.  She has correctness of feet and legs that we must have on our kids,
as well as the angularity we look for in a dairy animal.  She too has adequate rear barrel and spring of rear rib for her age of maturity. 
The Reserve Grand Champion Mini LaMancha will be the Junior doeling.

Grand Champion

East Fork TM Lily Mule
Breeder/Owner: Erik P. Brown

Reserve Champion

Sunsprings Mas Nutter Butter
Breeder: Shery Goodman  /  Owner: Celeste Burr

Jr. Doeling
1st gen.

Intermediate Doeling

1st gen.

Sr. Doeling
3rd gen.

Jr. Yr. Doeling
3rd gen.