MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Fall 201


Mini Nubian Sr. Does - 3 under 4 yrs.

Judge: James Oller

1st Place
Entry B

2nd Place
Entry C

3rd Place
Entry A

I am placing this class of 3 year old Nigerian Dwarf senior does B, C, A.

The doe in first place today is the most smoothly blending and balanced doe in the class. She has the length of body we like to see, as well as appropriate depth to the heart and barrel for her age.  This doe also has an advantage in mammary system having a wider rear udder arch, as well as a more desired placement of the teats. She has a slight advantage in medial suspensory ligament over the doe standing in second.

C is placing over A  in her turn for what we can see in terms of mammary today.  The doe standing behind her is being exhibited dry.  We have to appreciate the area of attachment of the fore udder on this doe, as well as the extension of that fore udder we see in the side profile view of the mammary system.  

The third place doe is to be commended on her depth and her levelness across her topline.  We would like to see her in milk to consider her placing any higher in the class today.  The doe to me is a bit over conditioned, but what we can judge of her today, she may hold her own if exhibited in milk on another show day.



Entry A
Freshenings: 2

Freshened 12/25/15

Entry B
Freshenings: 2

Freshened 2/16

Entry C
Freshenings: 2

Freshened 3/16