MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Fall 201


Nigerian Dwarf Sr. Doelings - born Jan 1st-Feb29th 30th 2016

Judge: James Oller

1st Place
Entry C

2nd Place
Entry D

3rd Place
Entry A

4th Place
Entry B

5th Place
Entry E

I am placing this class of Nigerian Dwarf senior doe kids C, D, A, B, E.

The doe standing in first today is sharper about her withers and is showing an more desired dairy wedge than the doe in second.  She will yield slightly in terms of levelness of back in the side profile view to the doe standing behind her.

D is placing over A in her turn for the smoothness of blending and balance we see in all views.  This is a doe that has a more level topline over the doe behind her. She also has a slight advantage in depth of heart and width through out. 

A is placing over B for the advantage we see in dairy character.  She is slightly longer and leaner about the neck, blending more smoothly from the neck into the withers. The third place doe also is showing us more levelness in the hip and thurl to thurl.

B is placing over E in her turn for the smoothness of blending we see in her general appearance as well as the levelness and strength of back.

E is to be commended today for her long, lean neck and sharpness of wither.

Entry A

Entry B

Entry C

Entry D

Entry E