MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Fall 201


Nigerian Dwarf Bucks Champion Lineup

When looking over the line up of Nigerian Dwarf buck today, there is one here that stands out from the others.  He is stylish and is correct in conformation.  This kid is long bodied without loosing the width we like to see.  He blends more smoothly through his entire topline than the competition today. He shows us desired angularity without loosing masculinity in his dairy character.  The Grand Champion Nigerian Dwarf Buck will be the Senior kid. 

In consideration for the reserve we go to a buck that I feel has the strength in topline and feet and legs.  He's long about that back and level in his hips.  He exhibits the bone structure they need, as well he maintains soundness in his feet and legs.  He is the buck with the advantage in wedge shape when viewed from the top.  He also has good body capacity and spring of rib.  Our Reserve Grand Champion Nigerian Dwarf Buck will be the Senior Yearling.

Grand Champion

Creekwood Acers Roquefort
Breeder: Erin Yeager  /  Owner: Nicole Sosebee

Reserve Champion

Blue Chick Farm Lil Rufus
Breeder: Holly Garrett  /  Owner: Amy McClellan

Jr. Buck

Entry B

Sr. Buckling

Jr. Yr. Buck

Sr. Yr Buck

2 under 3 Buck

no 2nd place goat