MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Fall 201


Nigerian Dwarf Doeling Champion Lineup

In consideration of the competition here today, there is a doe that brings the most points from the score card together. 
She is stylish and eye appealing, being well balanced and maintaining breed character. 
She is tight about the shoulders and elbows and correct on her feet and legs. 
This kid is sharp and angular, having good width without getting too coarse in her type. 
She has adequate body capacity for her age with excellent spring to the rear rib. 
The Overall Grand Champion Nigerian Dwarf Junior Doe will be the Senior kid.

I feel we should stay in the same class for our Reserve Champion.  This is a doe that shows us the levelness of topline.
She is super correct and sound about her feet and legs and strong in the pasterns. 
This is a kid that shows us good spring of rear rib and body capacity for her age.  She is wider between the hocks and area of escutcheon. 
The Reserve Grand Champion Nigerian Junior Doe will be the 2nd place Senior Kid.

Grand Champion

Little Avalon Daisy
Breeder: Megan Ketchman  /  Owner: Amy Nelson

Reserve Champion

Wee3farms SJ Cassiopia
Breeder: Shawn Reeder  /  Owner: Celeste Burr

Intermediate Doeling



Sr. Doeling

Sr. Yr. Doeling

2nd place Sr. Doeling