MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Fall 201


Ed Kinser

Mini-LaMancha Jr. Does Champion Line-up

Our Grand Champion Junior Miniature LaMancha doe is our Senior Yearling Doeling; her striking general appearance place her in the Champion slot;
her long, lean neck leads into a desirable topline; she stands on correct feet and legs and has good width and depth and good spring of ribs;

Our Reserve Champion Junior Doe is the second place senior yearling doeling;
she is a well-balanced doe with good length, width, and depth; she shows good spring of rib and fullness in the crops;


Grand Champion

Painted Feather Kahlua Coloda
Breeder/Owner: Sami Downs Ray
Sire: Matthew 21 Milton
Dam: Bunker Babes Kahlua Cream

Reserve Champion

Painted Feather Here Comes Trouble
Breeder/Owner: Sami Downs Ray
Sire: Matthew 21 Milton
Dam: Bunker Babes Kahlua Cream

Jr. Doeling

EX 1st gen

Intermediate Doeling

Ex 1st gen.

Jr. Yr. Doeling
EX 2nd gen.

Sr. Yr. Doeling
2nd place Sr. Yr. doe

EX 1st gen.