MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Fall 201


Ed Kinser

Nigerian Dwarf Jr. Does Champion Line-up

The Grand Champion Junior Doe is our senior doeling; she excels in general appearance;
she appears balanced, has a long and level topline, has good width, and well-structured feet and legs;

The Reserve Champion Junior Doe will be the Senior Doeling; she shows good length and width and smooth blending of the neck into the shoulders;

Grand Champion

Sunshine Hil Kit-Kat
Breeder: Pactrica A Curran  /  Owner: Sara Methot
Sire: Narrowway Farm Budapest
Dam: Cornerstone Farm Persia

Reserve Champion

Hoof Hollow VCN-BB Kyra
Breeder/Owner: Ronald & Donna Brown
Sire: Viney Creek DR Super Nova
Dam: Hoof Hollow Barbie Girl

Jr. Doeling


Sr. Doeling


Jr. Yr. Doeling


Sr. Yr. Doeling


2nd place Jr. Doeling
