MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Fall 2018

AOM 2 under 3 yr Milkers

Judge: Jena Williams

1st place
Entry #B

2nd place
Entry #C

3rd place
Entry #A

4th place
Entry #D

Placings B C A D
B is placing over C for evidence of productivity, showing us nice balance of mammary from fore to rear and smooth attachments overall.
She also is more correctly set from neck into wither.

C is placing over A for her greater width in the hip when viewed from the top, as well as great spring of rib into the rear barrel

A is placing over D for tighter sharper shoulders up in to the wither

D is to be commended for her width in the chest and barrel


Judge: Jennifer Lawrence

1st place
Entry #B

2nd place
Entry #D

3rd place
Entry #A

4th place
Entry #C


I place this class of two year olds B, D, A, C with B having the 1st place udder

B places over D for the advantage she has in her mammary system. She has more udder capacity and a higher, wider rear udder attachment.

D places over A for having more body capacity- being a deeper doe with a wider chest floor.

A places over C in a close placing for having an advantage in general appearance- being slightly stronger on her rear pasterns and more smoothly blended throughout.

I would like to commend C for her dairy character and angularity.


Entry A
EX 1st gen.
Freshend 1
# of Freshenings 2/13/18 - dry



Entry B
EX 2nd gen.
Freshend 1
# of Freshenings 4/1/18

Entry C
EX 2nd gen.
Freshend 1
# of Freshenings 3/23/18 - dry


Entry D
AM4th gen.
Freshend 2
# of Freshenings 2/19/18 - dry