MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Fall 2018

AOM 3 under 4 yr Milkers

Judge: Jena Williams

1st place
Entry #B

2nd place
Entry #A

Placings: B A
A is placing over A for her evidence of productivity,
and greater width in the hip

B is to be comm ended for herndepth of heart
and strength of front end assembly



Judge: Jennifer Lawrence

1st place
Entry #A

2nd place
Entry #B

I place this class of three year olds A, B with A having 1st udder.

A places over B for having a more capacious and balanced mammary system over a doe who is pictured as dry.

I would like to commend B for her general appearance- particularly in correct uphill stature.


Entry A
EX 3rd gen.
Freshend 2/13/18
# of Freshenings 3


Entry B
EX 2nd gen.
Freshend ----
# of Freshenings 2 - dry