MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Fall 2018


Jennifer Lawrence

AOM Jr. Buckling Champion Lineup

Junior Kid A is my selection for Junior Champion AOM. He places over the Intermediate Kid for his Dairy Strength and smoothness of blending.
He places over the Senior Buck Kid for having more depth of body.

Intermediate Kid A is my selection for Reserve Junior Champion for being more level across his topline, particularly in the area of the rump over the Senior Kid.

Grand Champion

Buck Creek's Mac Pee Wee
Breeder /Owner: Shirley Daniels
Sire: VCH Parham Farms OM McCartney
Dam: Buck Creek's XP Petals

Reserve Champion

Sandstone-Acres Stormy Thunder
Breeder/Owner: Mary-Anne Buchanan
Sire: Fieldlily Bo's 8 Seconds Go Jed Go
Dam: Loma Verde Stormy

Jr. Buckling

EX 2nd gen.




AM 3rd gen.


Sr. doeling

AM 5th gen.