MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Fall 2018


Jennifer Lawrence

AOM Sr. Doe Champion Lineup

The two year old Entry B buck will be my Champion Senior Buck for having a longer bone pattern and more width across his rump over the Yearling buck.
He places over the three year old for excelling in Dairy Strength- being sharper and more angular in his bone pattern.
He places over the four year old for being more level across his rump and stronger in his rear leg set.

The Yearling is my Reserve Champion as he also is more level and has stronger feet and legs over the four year old and is more
angular than the three year old. He places over the second place two year old for having straighter and stronger front legs.

Grand Champion

Enchanted Hill Little Stetson
Breeder/Owner: Ed & Joan Kinser
Sire: MCH Caesar's Villa CBS Stetson++*S
Dam: Deseret Whirligig

Reserve Champion

Fieldlily Bo's 8 Seconds Go Jed Go
Breeder: Crystal Eutsler   /Owner: Mary-Anne Buchanan
Sire: Ranchocabra Boe
Dam: Fieldlily 8 Seconds Go With the Flo

Sr. Yearling

EX 2nd gen.


2 under 3 yr.

EX 1st gen.



3 under 4 yr.

EX 1st gen.

4 under 5 yr.

AM 4th gen.
Mini-LaM ancha

over 5 yr. doe

EX 1st gen.
Freshend 3/6/18
# of Freshenings 7
7 yrs