MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Fall 2018


Jennifer Williams

AOM Sr. Bucks Champion Lineup

Grand Entry B in senior yearling class Excels the 3 year old in dairy character being cleaner,
longer, and more flat of bone pattern Excels the 2 and 4 year old in feet and legs with front feet pointed more directly forward

Reserve Entry A in 3-4yr old class in his turn for being more
correct in feet and legs than the 2nd place yearling the 2 year old and the 4 year old

Grand Champion

Fieldlily Bo's 8 Seconds Go Jed Go
Breeder: Crystal Eutsler   /Owner: Mary-Anne Buchanan
Sire: Ranchocabra Boe
Dam: Fieldlily 8 Seconds Go With the Flo

Reserve Champion

Sans Gene Fergus
Breeder: Dixie Davis   /Owner: Tracy Cloud
Sire: Sans Gene K Voyager
Dam: Sans Gene Esme

Sr. Yearling

EX 2nd gen.


2 under 3 yr.

EX 1st gen.



3 under 4 yr.

EX 1st gen.

4 under 5 yr.

AM 4th gen.
Mini-LaM ancha