MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Fall 2018

Mini Nubian 4 under 5 yr Milkers

Judge: Jena Williams

1st place
Entry #B

2nd place
Entry #A

3rd place
Entry #E

4th place
Entry #C

5th place
Entry #D

6th place
Entry #F


B is placing over E in general appearance
being cleaner and more balanced overall in front end assemble
being stronger and deeper in the brisket and heart, in topline being more smoothly blended from neck into wither, greater more uphill from hip to wither and more level from hips to pins, in body capacity B is wider in the chest and greater in prong of rib

E is placing over A for her greater
height of rear udder, and in feet and legs being straighter in front legs,
stronger in front pasterns and tighter toes

A is placing over C in mammary system being both higher and wider
in to the rear udder, more extension of the fore, and greater overall area of attachment

C is placing over D for greater evidence of productivity and in body capacity being wider in the chest floor

D is placing over F in general appearance with more smoothness of blending overall, in topline more straight across the back and more level from hips to pins, in body capacity showing increasing depth from cheat into rear barrel and less pinched in the heart

F is to be commended for her straightness of forelegs when viewed from the front and tightness of toes


Judge: Jennifer Lawrence

1st place
Entry #B

2nd place
Entry #E

3rd place
Entry #A

4th place
Entry #C

5th place
Entry #F

6th place
Entry #D

I place this class of four year old mini-Nubian milkers B, E, A, C, F, D with B having the 1st place udder

B places over E for her strength in general appearance. She is more level across her topline and rump. She also has a stronger attached and higher mammary system.

E places over A for being stronger in her feet and legs and tighter about her front toes. She also has a mammary system advantage and carries her udder a little higher above her hocks.

A places over C in having a more ideal mammary system shape with more balance and symmetry. She also is wider and fuller in her rear udder. In body A is a more wedge-type doe with flatter bone and more width across her rump.

C places over F for having more rear leg angulation and for being less steep in the rump.

F places over D for being in milk over a dry doe- both does are strong in dairy character with correct sharpness and angulation.

D is a very correct doe with uphill stature and should be commended for her smoothness of blending. Would like to see her freshened and in milk to place higher in this competitive class of milkers but still a very nice doe.



Entry A
AM 4th gen.
# of Freshenings 3
Freshend 3/3/18


Entry B
AM 3rd gen.
# of Freshenings  2
Freshend 5/12/18

Entry C
PB 6th gen.
# of Freshenings 4
Freshend 4/17/18

Entry D
AM 5th gen.
# of Freshenings 4
Freshend 3/27/18 -dry


Entry E
PB 6th gen.
# of Freshenings 3
Freshend 3/17/18


Entry F
1st gen.
# of Freshenings 4
Freshend 4/15/18