MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Fall 2018

Mini Nubian Sr. Yr. Bucklings

Judge: Jena Williams

1st place
Entry #A

2nd place
Entry #D

3rd place
Entry #C

4th place
Entry #H

5th place
Entry #F

6th place
Entry #G

7th place
Entry #B

8th place
Entry #E

Placings: A D C H F G B E
A is placing over D in general appearance with front feet pointed more correct forward. A is also wider between the hocks and higher and more open in the  escutcheon

D is placing over C for his greater length of body and width in the chest floor

C is placing over H in feet and legs being straighter in the front legs when viewed from the front, and being longer in the rump from hips to pins

H is placing over F in general appearance being wider in loin in rump, in body capacity being deeper in
the heart and rear barrel

F is placing over G in feet and legs, F less tendency to toe out in front

G is placing over B for his greater strength
and angularity in the front end assembly

B is placing over E for his strength of pasterns and straighter front legs when viewed from the side and for smoothness of blending of neck into wither

E is to be commended for his angularity


Judge: Jennifer Lawrence

1st place
Entry #A

2nd place
Entry #D

3rd place
Entry #C

4th place
Entry #B

5th place
Entry #H

6th place
Entry #E

7th place
Entry #G

8th place
Entry #F

I place this class of yearling mini-Nubian bucks A, D, C, B, H, E, G, F

A places over D for his advantage in general appearance. He is stronger in his uphill stature and more level across his topline. He is stronger in the area of the chine.

D places over C for his advantage in dairy strength- having a longer length of body and bone pattern throughout.

C places over B for having more strength of bone and width across his back- especially when viewed from above.  He also shows a greater extension of brisket.

B places over H for having more depth of rear barrel into the flank.

H places over E for having a slight advantage in stronger front pasterns. He also has a greater extension and length of body.

E places over G for being stronger in general appearance. E is more uphill in stature and should be commended for his long length of neck. E also is deeper bodied.

G places over F for being stronger in the chine and loin. He in his turn is also a deeper bodied buck than F.

F should be commended for his level rump.



Entry A
AM 5th gen.


Entry B
AM 5th gen.


Entry C
PB 6th gen.


Entry D
PB 7th gen.


Entry E
PB 7th gen.

Entry F
AM 5th gen.

Entry G
AM 3rd gen.

Entry H
AM 5th gen.