MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Fall 2018


Jennifer Lawrence

Mini Nubian Jr. Doe Champion Lineup

For my Junior Champion Mini-Nubian Buck I selected Intermediate Kid Entry F. He places over the Junior Kid Entry J for having greater
 extension of brisket and for being straighter on the knee when viewed from the side. He places over Senior kid C for being more level across his
topline and deeper in his rear barrel. He places over Junior Yearling A for being tighter in his point of elbow.

For my Reserve Junior Champion Buck I selected Intermediate Kid Entry C. He places over Junior Kid Entry J for being higher and wider in his escutcheon.
He places over the Senior Kid for having more width in his chest floor and between his hocks. He places over the Junior Yearling A for
being tighter in his point of elbow and straighter on his front legs.


Grand Champion

Blackberry's BMM Blue Quartz
Breeder/Owner: Thanh & Elizabeth Duong
Sire: Blue Mule Majestic Man
Dam: Blackberry's Snowflake Obsidian

Reserve Champion

Blackberry's RBI Boise
Breeder/Owner: Thanh & Elizabeth Duong
Sire: RiverBottomRanch Idaho
Dam: Blackberry's Cowgirl

Jr. Buckling

PB 6th gen.




AM 5th gen.


Sr. doeling

EX 1st gen.

Jr. Yr. doeling

EX 1st gen.

2nd place Intermediate

PB 7th gen.