MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Fall 2018


Jennifer Lawrence

Mini Nubian Jr. Doe Champion Lineup

For my Junior Champion Mini-Nubian I selected the Intermediate Kid E. She places over the Junior Kid D for being more smoothly blended in her shoulders.
She places over the Senior Kid C, a very close placing, for having shorter and stronger pasterns. She places over the Junior Yearling A for being more level
across her rump. She places over the Senior Yearling L for being tighter in her toes and more level across her rump.

For my Reserve Junior Champion  I selected the Senior Kid C for her advantage of being more level across
her topline and for her smoothness of blending in her front-end assembly.

Grand Champion

Blackberry's CML A New Hope
Breeder/Owner: Thanh and Elizabeth Duong
Sire: Cornerstone Farms Moon Light
Dam: Urban Acres Ken's Panamerica

Reserve Champion

Blackberry's CML Saffron
Breeder/Owner: Thanh and Elizabeth Duong
Sire: Cornerstone Farms Moon Light
Dam: Urban Acres GB Black Pepper

Jr. Doeling

PB 6th gen.




1st gen.


Sr. doeling

1st gen.

Jr. Yr. doeling

1st gen.

Sr. Yr. doeling


2nd gen.

2nd place Sr. doeling

1st gen.