MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Fall 2018

Nigerian Dwarf 3 under 4 yr Milkers

Judge: Jena Williams

1st place
Entry #B

2nd place
Entry #A


Placings B A
B is placing over A for in mammary system, showing us greater attachment overall, and being higher and
wider into the escutcheon arch. In Body capacity she
is also wider in the chest and deeper in the hearth
A should be commended for the straightness of her rear legs when viewed from the rear



Judge: Jennifer Lawrence

1st place
Entry #A

2nd place
Entry #B

I place this class of three year old milkers A, B with B having the 1st place udder.

 A is placing over B for having stronger feet and legs- tighter toes and higher pasterns. She will grant some rear udder attachment height and width to B.

B should be commended for her strong udder attachments.



Entry A
Freshened 4/16/18
Freshenings 2


Entry B
Freshened 6/11/18
Freshenings 2