MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Fall 2018

Nigerian Dwarf Sr. Yr. Doelings

Judge: Jena Williams

1st place
Entry #B

2nd place
Entry #A

3rd place
Entry #C

Placings B A C
B is placing over A
for her greater dairy charcter, having more appearance of flatness of bone, greater
depth of heart and increased depth into the rear barrel when viewed from the side and the greater wedge when viewed from above. In general appearance she also has the greater strength of front end
assembly with a deeper forechest and extension of brisket
A is placing over C
for her more correct feet and legs, as well as stronger straighter back from wither to
C is to be commended for her length of neck and smoothness of blending into the shoulder.



Judge: Jennifer Lawrence

1st place
Entry #B

2nd place
Entry #C

3rd place
Entry #A


I place this class of Nigerian Dwarf Dry Yearlings B, C, A

B is placing over C for body capacity. She is a deeper bodied doe with more width throughout. She also has an advantage in general appearance, being a more smoothly blended doe.

C is placing over A in her turn for general appearance. In feet and legs she is stronger and straighter on her rear pasterns and in back she is more level in the area of the rump.

A should be commended for her smoothly blended shoulder assembly.



Entry A


Entry B

Entry C