MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Fall 2018


Jennifer Williams

Nigerian Dwarf Buck Champion Lineup

Grand Buck Entry A 3-4yr old class
for his excellence and strength in feet and legs, as well his depth,
length and power over the other first place class winners

Reserve Grand Buck Entry C Sr yearlings
follows in the style or correctness of our Grand, with strong
and correct feet and legs, clean power and width while maintaining a flatness of bone pattern



Grand Champion

Diji Farm GB Bergstrom
Breeder: Carol Hays   /   Owner: Tracy Cloud
Sire: Diji Farm BW Glacier Bay
Dam: Diji Farm PAL Reaghan

Reserve Champion

Castle Rock Heracles
Breeder: Sarah Hawkins   /   Owner: Tracy Cloud
Sire: Castle Rock Harvest Moon ++ *B
Dam: CH Castle Rock Leucosia

Jr. Buckling




Sr. Yearling




3 under 4 yr.

4 under 5 yr.