MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Summer 2018


Timothy Bell

Mini Alpine Sr. Bucks Champion Lineup

The grand champion senior buck will be the senior yearling buck. He excels in general appearance being very strong in his pasterns,
with feet pointing forward, front legs set back under the withers, and level along the topline. He also shows good body capacity with nice depth of rear rib.
In dairy character with a natural arch shape to the escutcheon

The reserve champion will be the 2 under 3 year buck. Being strong in body capacity with good width of chest
 floor and depth of heart girth. Also in dairy character being sharp in the withers, and high in the escutcheon.

Grand Champion

Fieldlily Bo's 8 Seconds Go Jed Go
Sire: Ranchocabra Boe
Dam: Fieldlily 8 Seconds Go With the Flo
Breeder: Crystal Eutsler   /   Owner: Mary-Anne Buchanan




Reserve Champion

Mini Mosaic Magnus
Sire: Rooster Hollow CNH Hans Solo
Dam: FMG Buttercup
Breeder/Owner: Frank & Elizabeth Schmidt






Sr. Yr. Buck
Ex 2nd gen


2 under 3 buck

EX 2nd gen



2nd placesr. yr. buck
EX 1st gen