MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Summer 2018


Regina Tervo

Mini Alpine Sr. Doe Champion Lineup

Our Grand Champion Sr Doe will be the 4 under 5 yr milker for her strength in her mammary
system which is wider greater capacity, and more capacious than the others.

Res. Champion will be 2yr under 3 yr doe, in Mammary system for her balance in udder and teat placement.

Best Udder of breed goes to our 2nd place 4 under 5 doe,.

Grand Champion

Pescador Harpy
Sire: My Kids Farm SF PrinceofTides
Dam: Redwood Hills Lance Jetta
Breeder: Katya Johnson  /  Owner: Kelly Dellar


Reserve Champion

Mini Mosaic Tulip
Sire: Abernathy Creek Mister Hickory
Dam: Finn-Hill-Acres Chrysanthemum
Breeder/Owner: Frank and Elizabeth Schmidt

Yearling Milker
EX 2nd gen
Freshened: 6/9/18


2 under 3 yr. doe

EX 1st gen
Freshenings: 2
Freshened: 3/27/18



3 under 4 yr. milker
EX 2nd gen
Freshenings: 1
Freshened: 3/15/18



4under 5 yr milker

EX 1st gen
Freshenings: 4
Freshened: 4/21/18



2nd place 4 under 5 yr milker

EX 2nd gen
Freshenings: 4
Freshened: 2/22/18