MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Summer 2018


Timothy Bell

Mini Alpine Sr. Doe Champion Lineup

The Grand Champion senior doe will be the 4 under 5 year milker.
This doe excels over the rest of the lineup in general appearance having the strongest pasterns, and straightest front legs.
She also shows great body capacity being very wide in the chest floor and deep in the heart girth increasing towards the flank.
She also shows the strongest mammary system in the lineup with the greatest capacity, strong attachments, very nice balance and shape, as well as teat placement.
She will also be Best Udder of Breed.

The reserve champion will be the 2 under 3 year milker. She excels over the rest of the lineup in general appearance with greater strength and levelness along the topline,
as well as levelness from hips to pins. She also shows strong strength in her mammary system being well balanced and shaped, with good strength of attachment.

Grand Champion

FMG Buttercup
Sire: MilkMaidRanch N Memphis
Dam: FMG JRRM Milk E Way
Breeder: Nancy Boling   /   Owner: Frank and Elizabeth Schmidt

Reserve Champion

Mini Mosaic Tulip
Sire: Abernathy Creek Mister Hickory
Dam: Finn-Hill-Acres Chrysanthemum
Breeder/Owner: Frank and Elizabeth Schmidt

Yearling Milker

EX 2nd gen
Freshened: 5/20/18


2 under 3 yr. doe

EX 1st gen
Freshenings: 2
Freshened: 3/27/18



3 under 4 yr. milker
EX 2nd gen
Freshenings: 1
Freshened: 3/15/18



4 under 5 yr milker

EX 2nd gen
Freshenings: 4
Freshened: 2/22/18



2nd place 4 under 5 yr. milker

EX 1st gen
Freshenings: 4
Freshened: 4/21/18