MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Summer 2018

Mini LaMancha Sr. Doelings born January 1st, through February 29th

Judge: Regina Tervo

1st place
Entry C

2nd place
Entry B

3rd place
Entry A


Entry C is my First place in General Appearance standing on stronger pasterns and wider chest floor,

B is over A in Mammary System for her higher arched shaped escutcheon, and in General Appearance tighter elbows.

A is commended in General Appearance on her spring of ribs and length of rump from hip to pin bone. 


Judge: Timothy Bell

1st place
Entry A

2nd place
Entry B

3rd place
Entry C

This class of senior doelings will be placing A, B, C.

A over B in the area of body capacity with greater depth throughout. In dairy character with greater sharpness of the withers, greater height and width to the escutcheon, and being more angular throughout. She will yield straightness of the front legs when viewed from the side to doeling B.

B over C in a very close placing. In general appearance with more forward pointing feet, and being tighter in the toes, as well as having a more level topline.

C is to be commended for the smoothness of blending from the neck into the withers.


Entry A
AM 3rd gen


Entry B
AM 4th gen


Entry C
AM 4th gen