MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Summer 2018

Mini LaMancha Over 5 yr. Milkers

Judge: Regina Tervo

1st place
Entry B

2nd place
Entry A

Entry B is my first place milking doe she is showing in the Mammary System 1/3 behind 1/3 in front of the leg of the udder from the side view and more capacity of udder,

A is commended in Mammary system for her high wide ached-shaped escutcheon.


Judge: Timothy Bell

1st place
Entry A

2nd place
Entry B

This class of aged milkers will be placing A, B.

A over B in the area of general appearance with a more level topline. Also in the area of mammary system showing stronger lateral attachments with the udder held higher above the hocks, and blending more smoothly in the foreudder.

She will yield udder capacity, which doe B is to be commended for.


Entry A
EX 2nd gen
Freshenings: 6
Freshened: 4/28/18

Entry B
EX 3rd gen
Freshenings: 7
Freshened: 4/3/18