MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Summer 2018

Mini Nubian Yearling Milkers

Judge: Regina Tervo

1st place
Entry B

2nd place
Entry D

3rd place
Entry A

4th place
Entry C

5th place
Entry E

6th place
Entry F

7th place
Entry J

8th place
Entry I

9th place
Entry G

10th place
Entry H


Entry B will be my First place under 2 yr. old milkers, above all others in this class, she is showing in Dairy Character more angularity clearly seen dairy wedges from top, rear and sides and in Mammary System a well balanced capacious udder, strong medical suspensory ligament and good placement.

D is over A in General Appearance for more level topline and in Mammary System more capacious udder,

A is over C in General Appearance for showing more breed character and in Mammary system being smoother blended in the fore udder,

C is over E in Mammary system for being higher in rear udder and better side attachments,

E is over F in Mammary system for having more udder capacity and a smoother blended fore udder,

F is over J in Mammary system for being more capacious in udder and plumper teats,

J is over I in General Appearance for a stronger topline and in Mammary system better placement,

I is over G in Mammary system in height and width of arch-shaped escutcheon and showing more of a fore udder,

H is commended on 1/3 behind 1/3 in front of the leg of side view of udder.


Judge: Timothy Bell

1st place
Entry B

2nd place
Entry D

3rd place
Entry A

4th place
Entry J

5th place
Entry I

6th place
Entry C

7th place
Entry E

8th place
Entry H

9th place
Entry F

10th place
Entry G

This class of yearlings will place B, D, A, J, I, C, E, H, F, G.

B over D in the area of body capacity with greater width and depth throughout. In dairy character with greater angulation seen throughout. Also in mammary system with greater capacity and more appropriate teat placement.

D over A in the area of general appearance with a more upstanding topline. In mammary system with greater udder capacity. Also in dairy character being sharper about the withers. She will yield to the height of escutcheon to doe A.

A over J in the area of general appearance blending more smoothly from the neck into the withers, front feet set farther back under the withers. In mammary system dividing more evenly when viewed from the side, and stronger attachments. Also in dairy character with greater height of escutcheon.

J over I in the area of body capacity with greater width and depth throughout. Also in the area of general appearance with a longer leaner neck, and being more level from hips to pins.

I over C in the area of general appearance with greater strength of pasterns, and a more incurving thigh. Also in dairy character with more clearly seen dairy wedges throughout, and being slightly sharper about the withers.

C over E in the area of mammary system with stronger lateral attachments holding the udder floor well above the hocks. Also in body capacity being deeper throughout.

E over H in the area of general appearance being a more upstanding doe, stronger about the pasterns, and blending more smoothly from the neck into the withers. Also in dairy character with being slightly more angular throughout, especially when viewed from above and the side.

H over F for an advantage in mammary system with greater strength of lateral attachments holding the udder floor well above the hocks. In general appearance being more level about the topline. Also in dairy character with slightly sharper withers.

F over G in mammary system in her turn for having greater strength of lateral attachments and medial suspensory ligaments, and for her capacity. Also in general appearance with front legs set farther back under the withers, and with a longer leaner neck.

G is to be commended for her great depth of body throughout.


Entry A
EX 1st gen
Freshened: 2/1/18

Entry B
EX 1st gen
Freshened: 2/1/18


Entry C
PB 6th gen
Freshened:  6/5/18


Entry D
AM 5th gen

Freshened: 4/21/18


Entry E
AM 4th gen

Freshened: 5/16/18


Entry F
PB 6th gen

Freshened: 4/15/18


Entry G
PB 6th gen

Freshened: 4/21/18


Entry H
EX 1st gen

Freshened: 4/24/18


Entry I
EX 1st gen

Freshened: 6/15/18


Entry J
AM 4th gen
Freshenings: 1

Freshened: 4/5/18