MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Summer 201

AOM Doe Champion Lineup - Judge Todd Biddle Ring #2


AOM champion is going to be the three year old as she has the most correct mammary system shape and medial suspensory ligament in the line up. 
The four year old will be reserve as she is more open ribbed and has more angularity than the aged doe.

Grand Champion & Best Udder of Breed

MilkMaidRanch Nash’s Silhoutte
Owner: Suzy Minck

Reserve Champion

MilkMaidRanch NA BootsRMade4Walkin  
Owner: Suzy Minck

3 under 4 year doe

EX 1st gen.
2nd freshening
2 months fresh

4 under 5 year doe
EX 1st gen.
3rd freshening
7 months fresh

5 & over doe

EX 1st gen.
6th freshening
7 months fresh
7 yrs. old