MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Summer 201

Mini LaMancha Buck Champion Lineup - Judge Todd Biddle Ring #2

I am placing the four year old buck grand champion as he excels the younger bucks in growth and maturity and correctness in feet and legs. 
He excels the eight year old buck in general appearance as he is smoother blended. 
He also is a deep ribbed buck with more barrel development.


Grand Champion

Dairy*Meadows Hersheys Brown Shadow
Owner: Melissa Sargent

Reserve Champion

Atwood Acres GR Gold Mine
Owner: Erik P. Brown

Jr. buckling

AM 3rd gen. 



Intermediate buckling

EX 2nd gen. 


Jr. yearling buck
EX 2nd gen.


Sr. yearling buck

AM 3rd gen.


2 under 3 buck

EX 1st gen.

3 under 4 buck
EX 1st gen.

Over 5yr  buck

EX 1st gen.

8 yrs. old