MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Summer 201

Mini LaMancha Buck Champion Lineup - Judge Jean Lucas Ring #1


Grand Champion 3-4 yr. old
Our grand champion excels in all areas of the score card. 
He is certainly level and smooth throughout and sound on his feet and legs. 
He is also dairy as he is sharp and angular throughout.

Res. Grand Champion 2-3 yr old
The reserve grand is the closest to our grand of the day in strength of feet and legs.

Grand Champion

Dairy*Meadows Hersheys Brown Shadow
Owner: Melissa Sargent

Reserve Champion

Matthew 21 Milton
Owner: Sami Ray

Jr. buckling

AM 3rd gen. 



Intermediate buckling

EX 2nd gen. 


Jr. yearling buck
EX 2nd gen.


Sr. yearling buck

AM 3rd gen.


2 under 3 buck

EX 1st gen.

3 under 4 buck
EX 1st gen.

Over 5yr  buck

EX 1st gen.

8 yrs. old