MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Summer 201

Mini LaMancha Doe Champion Lineup - Judge Jean Lucas Ring #1


First and second place 3-4 yr. old
Our Grand and Reserve are in the same class they are very strong in general appearance and correctness of mammary system. 
Each of these does excels the other age groups in overall area attachment.

Grand Champion & Best Udder of Breed

Dairy*Meadows Pixie Dust 
Owner: Melissa Sargent

Reserve Champion

White Rock Farm BN Erin
Owner: Katie Wolf

Yearling milker

EX 1st gen.
3 months fresh

2 under 3 year doe
EX 1st gen.
3rd freshening
3 weeks fresh

3 under 4 year doe

EX 1st gen.
3rd freshening
6 months fresh

4 under 5 year doe

EX 2nd gen.
2nd freshening
2 months fresh

2nd place 3 under 4 year doe

AM 3rd gen.
3rd freshening

1 1/2 month fresh