MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Summer 201

Mini LaMancha Jr. Doe Champion Lineup - Judge Todd Biddle Ring #2

The senior doeling winner is your junior champion.  She excels her closest competition in the line up, the senior yearling, in dairy strength as she is a sharper withered doe with more openness and freedom from excess fleshing.  For her age, she shows more length of topline and rump in reference to her overall balance.

The senior yearling with be our reserve champion as she is the most correct in general appearance of the remaining does in line up excelling in the structure to her front end and the fact she has maintained structural soundness into maturity longer than any other doe in the lineup.

Grand Champion

Dairy*Meadows CC Cricket 
Owner: Melissa Sargent

Reserve Champion

White Rock Farm BN Hailey
Owner: Katie Wolf

Jr. doeling
EX 2nd gen.

Sr. doeling
EX 2nd gen.

Jr. yearling doe

EX 2nd gen.


Sr. year doe
EX 2nd gen. 


2nd place Sr. doeling
EX 2nd gen.
