MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Summer 201

Mini Nubian Buck Champion Lineup - Judge Jean Lucas Ring #1

Grand 4-5 yr. old
The 4-5 year old is definitely showing his age and maturity in a good way. 
He is strong in body capacity with width and depth throughout.
In general appearance level in the top and smoothly blended.

Res. Grand 3-4 yr. old
The 3-4 year old is the same type.  He would yield correctness of the rear leg angulation.

Grand Champion

Green Gables SS MoonBeam *B
Owner: Eliya Elmquist


Reserve Champion

Ramirez Ranch Bruno
Owner: Karmen Pyron

Sr. yearling buck

AM 3rd gen.


2 under 3 buck

EX 1st gen.

3 under 4 buck
EX 2nd gen.

4 under 5 buck

AM 4th gen.

2nd place 4 under 5 buck

AM 5th gen