MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Summer 201

Mini Nubian Buck Champion Lineup - Judge Todd Biddle Ring #2

The four year old class winner is your Mini Nubian Senior Champion buck.  He has maintained structure soundness into maturity well giving him a clear edge in this competition.  He has the best front end, topline, and rump in the line-up.

The yearling buck will be my reserve.  He is more correct in the structure to the rear leg and is more correct in the structure of the front end than the remaining bucks in the lineup.

Grand Champion

Green Gables SS MoonBeam *B
Owner: Eliya Elmquist


Reserve Champion

Buckhorn Run Dandy Don
Owner: Barbara Knapp

Sr. yearling buck

AM 3rd gen.


2 under 3 buck

AM 4th gen.

3 under 4 buck
EX 2nd gen.

4 under 5 buck

AM 4th gen.

2nd place 4 under 5 buck

AM 5th gen