MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Summer 201

Mini Nubian Doeling Champion Lineup - Judge Todd Biddle Ring #2

The senior doe kid class winner is your division champion.  She excels the line up in the composite of structural soundness and correctness, dairy strength and body capacity.  She also has the best breed character to the head in this respective lineup.

The doe who most closely resembles her in body style, although not as deep or as strong in breed type to the head, is our junior kid and she will stand over the balance of the choices for her correctness in the rear leg set when viewed from the side. 

Grand Champion

Green Gables BF Not Ashamed
Owner: Eliya Elmquist

Reserve Champion

Honey Moon Farm Vivien Leigh
Owner: Kristi Troyna

Jr. doeling

EX 2nd gen.


Intermediate doeling
EX 2nd gen.


Sr. doeling
AM 4th gen.

Jr. yearling doe

AM 3rd gen.


Sr. yearling doe

EX 2nd gen. 


2nd place Sr. doe
AM 6th gen.