MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Summer 2014

Mini-Nubian Doe Champion Lineup - Judge Jean Lucas Ring #1

Grand 2-3 yr. old
The Grand and reserve grand are from the same class.
The Grand is very strong in general appearance, being level over the top and having stature in the front end.
In dairy character is she is sharp and angular.

Res. Grand 2nd  2-3  yr. old
Our Reserve grand excels in her mammary system with overall area of attachment and capacity.
In body capacity she has depth in the chest carried back to the flank and width throughout.
She is also the Best udder of Breed for the shape of her mammary system

Grand Champion

JMR Twilight
Owner: Kimberly & Shelby Sams

Reserve Champion & Best Udder of Breed

Dancing Goat Garden's Lotus
Owner: Kira Hughes

Yearling milker

AM 4th gen.
2 months fresh


2 under 3 year doe

AM 4th gen.

1st freshening
2 months fresh


3 under 4 does
Ex. 1st gen.
1st freshening
1 yr. 4 months fresh
milked once a day

4 under 5 doe
AM 3rd gen.
2nd freshening
2 months fresh


5+ doe

AM 4th gen.
4th freshening
9 days fresh
not being milked, kids on


Dry doe

EX 1st gen.
5 yr. old doe

2nd place 2 year under 3AM 4th gen.
1st freshening
2 months fresh