MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Summer 2014

Mini-Nubian Doe Champion Lineup - Judge Todd Biddle Ring #2

Interesting line-up of Mini Nubians.  In my mind, the two year old stands out and I am awarding her the championship honors. 
I feel she is the best total composite animal in the line up showing strengths in all aspects of the score card.

The milking yearling will be reserve.  Again, when you look at all aspects of the scorecard,
I feel she most closely resembles our  champion with more dairy strength and capacity of mammary system then we are seeing in the remainder of the line up.

The best udder award for the breed is going to the aged doe. 
I would like to see a lot more milk in this udder, but I feel she excels the rest of the does in medial suspensory ligament (udder support).

Grand Champion

Dancing Goat Garden's Lotus
Owner: Kira Hughes

Reserve Champion

Flying J Farm Windchime
Owner: Deborah Lodrini

Best Udder of Breed

Rocking Goat Tasha *P
Owner: Peggy Boone

Yearling milker

AM 3rd gen.

2 1/2 months fresh 

2 under 3 year doe
AM 4th gen.
1st freshening
2 months fresh

3 under4 does

Ex.1st gen.
3rd freshening
4 months fresh

AMD 3rd gen.
2nd freshening
4 months fresh

Entry #1
AM 3rd gen.
3rd freshening
4 months fresh
milked once a day

2nd place 2 year under 3

AM 4th gen.

1st freshening
2 months fresh