MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Summer 201


Katie Wolf

Best Sr. Doe In Show Line-up

Best Senior Doe in Show is the Mini-Nubian.  She excels both the Mini-Alpine and Mini-Mancha in mammary system;
she has more balance in side profile, more capacity, and more area of attachment, especially in terms of rear udder width.


Best Sr. Doe in Show

FMCH Soaring Heart's Hyacinth *B
Breeder/Owner: Wendy Valentine






Grand Champion AOM Sr. Doe
EX 2nd gen.
Freshened 4/16



Grand Champion Mini LaMancha Sr. Doe

EX 1st gen.
Freshened 3/3/16



Grand Champion Mini Nubian Sr. Doe

AM 4th gen.
Freshened 4/16