MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show 
Summer 201


Katie Wolf

Best Udder In Show Line-up

Best Udder in Show will also be the Mini-Nubian doe.  A six-year-old who is still showing a great degree of capacity and strength of attachments. 
Compared to the significantly younger Mini-Alpine and Mini-Mancha does, she has the most extension and fullness to her fore udder.  She is more smoothly blended about her fore udder
attachment than either the Mini-Alpine or Mini-Mancha does, has more rear udder width than the Mini-Alpine, and is more appropriate in her teat delineation and shape than the Mini-Mancha.

Best Udder in Show

FMCH Soaring Heart's Hyacinth *B
Breeder/Owner: Wendy Valentine

Best AOM Udder of Breed

Freshened 2/16

Best Mini LaMancha Udder of Breed
Freshened 4/16



Best Mini Nubian Udder of Breed
Freshened 4/16