MDGA Virtual Mini Dairy Goat Show  
Summer 20


Regina Tervo

Nigerian Dwarf Sr. Buck Champion Lineup

Grand Champion will be the 4 yr old Buck, showing more in Body Capacity having a larger barrel increasing in depth from heart girth to flank & in Dairy Character a general openness with flatness of bone & free of excess flesh.

Res Grand Champion is the 2 yr old buck, showing in General Appearance slightly stronger pasterns & straighter legs & in Body Capacity showing a little more capacity in the carrel from heart girth to flank. 

Grand Champion

Mistwood LJJ Jacobs Java
Breeder: Melissa Sargent   /   Owner: Cassandra Baldovinos/Christina Shirley
Sire: Sweet Syringa's Latin Java Joe
Dam: Otter Grove M Mayzee

Reserve Champion

R&E Ridge LR Napoleon
Breeder/Owner: Devon Parson
Sire: Blessed Valley DRP Lone Ranger
Dam: 5-S Farms Hope

Sr. Yr. Buck




2 yr buck



3 yr buck


4 yr buck

Aged buck

8 yrs