Breed Calculations

Figuring Percentages: Let’s say you’re breeding a 75/25 mini buck to a 62.50/37.50 mini doe.
Take the “standard” part of the percentage from both parents (75 and 62.50),
add them together (75 + 62.50 = 137.50), and divide the result by 2. That gives you 68.75, which is the percentage of standard genetics for the offspring. This is the first number shown in a percentage.

Next, to calculate the percentage of “Nigerian” genetics for the offspring, subtract 100 from 68.75 (the standard percentage you calculated earlier), which equals -31.25. This is the percentage of Nigerian genetics for the offspring, which is the second number shown in a percentage.

Consequently, the standard/Nigerian genetic percentages for kids of those parents will be 68.75/31.25.

Here is a pattern to follow for calculating percentages:

Sire: 75/25, Dam: 62.50/37.50

sire standard % + dam Standard % = “standard percent step 1”
75 + 62.50 = 137.50

“standard percent step 1” / 2 = “goat standard percent”
137.50 ÷ 2 = 68.75

100 (for 100%) – “goat standard percent” = “goat Nigerian Dwarf percent”
100- 68.75 = -31.25

Final result = “goat standard percent” / “goat Nigerian Dwarf percent”
Final result = 68.75/31.25