MDGA Milk Testing

Welcome to MDGA DHIR Milk Testing 2024!

1-Day Milk Test Application
November 28, 2023
1-Day Milk Test Packet / Rules
November 28, 2023
305-Day Milk Test Application
November 28, 2023
305-Day Test Packet / Rules
November 28, 2023
CDCB Lookup Instructions
January 1, 2024

    Getting Started

    We would like to welcome you to MDGA’s DHIA Milk Testing!

    Regardless if this is your first time testing or you are an old pro, the MDGA Milk Test Committee is here to help you as much as possible. If you have additional questions that aren’t answered here, please send us an email!

    Why milk test? There are so many benefits to putting your herd on test aside from earning stars. The main reason is to prove your DAIRY goats and record their true production year to year. Lactations can greatly vary from 1st to the 4th and can provide great data for how a doe milks. Valuable data from each test performed is obtained such as butterfat content, protein content, somatic cell count, and MUN count.

    To get started with milk testing, follow the steps below. You can also download the startup packet above.

    STEP 1 –  Decide the type of testing you would like to do, 1-Day or 305 Day. Both are eligible to receive a *P designation upon meeting MDGA’s requirements. 

    • 305 Day – this type of testing is done on a schedule of approximately once a month throughout the doe’s lactation with a minimum of 5 tests completed to be eligible for MDGA star award
    • 1 Day – this type of testing is performed on one specific testing date by obtaining a 1 Day Permit.  NOTE: Multiple permits can be applied for with appropriate fees for each.

    STEP 2 – Contact a DHIA processing center or the lab you would like to use. Sign up for milk testing and the lab will send information and/or testing supplies, which typically includes the lab paperwork, shipping container, and schedule of fees. 

    STEP 3 – Get certified as a tester, both yourself and your supervisor depending on the plan you chose. ALL testers must be certified as required by the lab chosen, typically yearly. This process takes time and can be done through the lab of you choosing. Check with your lab as some only accept their own supervisor certifications.

    To be eligible for *P awards both types of testing (305 and 1 Day) members will require a separate tester at some point, this can be a neighbor or a friend (no family) who has no financial interest as defined by your lab. NOTE: Owners on Owner Samplers plan need to be certified testers and have a separate tester for Verification tests.

    STEP 4Only required if you chose 305 testing. Choose the plan you would like to be on. Below are the types of testing approved by MDGA:

    • Standard Test – A certified supervisor tests your herd each month, taking AM and PM weights and samples. No verification test but height records are required. 
    • Group Test – Conducted like the Standard test above, except you have a group of at least 3 herds who alternate testing each other’s herd in a round robin fashion. All supervisors must be certified. No verification test but height records are required. 
    • EOM – (Every other Month) Owner and Supervisor will test and each take samples and recording of weights on alternating months. Samples are taken as in the Standard test plan above, AM and PM. Verification test required.
    • AM/PM – Owner and Supervisor share testing and sampling, alternating the AM/PM each month. Verification test required.
    • Owner Sampler – Owner weighs and samples milk each testing. Owner must be certified as a tester. Verification test required by a separate supervisor.

    STEP 5 – Have your scale certified by your lab. Milk Scales MUST be calibrated EVERY year, or as required by your lab. If you are buying a brand-new scale be sure it is dairy ready, which means it measures in .0 (tenths) of a pound not ounces. A new scale MUST be certified as well. Some labs offer new calibrated scales for sale.

    STEP 6 – Sign up for testing with MDGA with appropriate fees

    Once you have completed these steps, you are ready for your first test!

    Send all paperwork/questions to:


    Be sure that ALL MDGA milk test rules are followed. Different registries and/or associations may have different requirements. Contact the Milk Test Chair for additional questions.

    MDGA 305 Day Milk Testing fees:

    • 1-5 does = $20.00
    • 6-10 does = $24.00
    • 11-15 does = $28.00
    • 16-20 does = $32.00
    • 21-25 does = $36.00
    • 26 – 30 does = $40.00
    • 31-35 does = $44.00
    • 36 – 40 does = $48.00
    • 41 – 55 does = $52.00

    MDGA 1 Day Milk testing fees:

    • $10 Fee + $3 per doe
      Each time a 1 Day test application is submitted, both fees need to be submitted. 

    Supplies Needed on Test Day

    • A milk bucket that can be weighed
    • A sample dipper
    • A certified scale that weighs in .0 (tenths) of a pound
    • A measuring stick/device to measure the goat’s height
    • Pen to enter data on all forms
    • A way to make copies just in case something gets lost (photos or a scan)
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