MDGA News & Education

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Guide to Taking Photos for Registration

Crossing two very different breeds in building a new breed of dairy goats results in various unexpected (and expected) breed characteristics. These pictures will help to place your animals in the proper herdbook. It is imperative to take all pictures while the animal...

Tattooing Your Goats

Tattooing Your Goats

MDGA is currently reviewing the Tattoo/Microchip policy to ensure that we follow all USDA policies   To be accepted into registration, an animal must be tattoo'd with the appropriate herd and year tattoo. You must use the tattoo that was chosen when your...

Exploring Miniature Dairy Goat Generations

In the world of miniature dairy goats, generational breeding is a fascinating aspect. The journey begins with the first generation, known as F1. This generation emerges from two possible crosses: either a Nigerian Dwarf (ND) with a standard-sized doe from one of the...